ecology of Stejneger’s robber frog Craugastor stejnegerianus
(Anura: Craugastoridae) in the tropical dry forest of Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Ecología térmica de la rana de hojarasca de Stejnegers
Craugastor stejnegerianus (Anura: Craugastoridae) en el bosque seco
tropical del Parque Nacional Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Diego A. Gómez-Hoyos1, Margarita Gil-Fernández2, Sergio Escobar-Lasso2,3
ProCAT Internacional/The Sierra to Sea Institute, Las Alturas,
Puntarenas, Costa Rica. e-mail: (corresponsal
author). Grupo de Estudio en Herpetología,
Universidad del Quindío, Armenia, Colombia/Red Mesoamericana y
del Caribe para la Conservación de Anfibios y Reptiles
(MesoHERP). Grupo de Investigación y
Asesoría en Estadística, Universidad del Quindío,
Armenia, Colombia.
Programa de Posgrado en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre,
Instituto Internacional de Conservación y Manejo de Vida
ICOMVIS, Heredia, Costa Rica.
3 Fundación RANA (Restauración de Ambientes Neotropicales Alterados), San José, Costa Rica.
received: September 8, 2015
Date approval: December 10,
2015 Associated Editor:
Moreno JN.
In a climate changing world it is indispensable to know the behavioral
and physiological responses of amphibians to environmental temperature
variation. Even so, thermal ecology is unknown for many species,
including Craugastor stejnegerianus. Therefore, it is important to
describe the patterns and mechanisms that influence body temperature
and if these obey to the environmental temperature or to
thermoregulation actions. Objective:
The aim of this paper is to describe the relationship between
environmental and substrate temperatures, as well as the behavior and
substrate use with the body temperature of C. stejnegerianus. Methodology:
The body temperature of individuals of C. stejnegerianus was monitored
13.4 h, along with measures of environmental temperature, substrate use
and behavior observations. Results: the
results obtained were that the body temperature is related to the
substrate temperature but it does not depend on the variations of
environmental temperature nor behavior or substrate use. Conclusion:
Based in our findings we propose that the body temperature variation of
this frog is circumstantial and there is not behavior of
Keywords: Leaf-litter frog, Maritza Biological Station, Microhabitat, Thermoregulation.
Introducción: En
un mundo de clima cambiante, es indispensable conocer las respuestas
fisiológicas y comportamentales de los anfibios a la
variación ambiental de temperatura. Sin embargo, la
ecología térmica es desconocida para muchas especies,
incluyendo a Craugastor stejnegerianus. Por lo tanto, es importante
describir los patrones y mecanismos que influyen sobre la temperatura
corporal o sobre acciones de termorregulación. Objetivo:
Se busca describir las relaciones de la temperatura ambiental y de
sustrato, así como del comportamiento y uso de sustratos con la
temperatura corporal de C. stejnegerianus. Metodología:
La temperatura corporal de individuos de C. stejnegerianus fue
monitoreada 13.4 h, junto con medidas de la temperatura ambiental,
humedad relativa, uso de sustratos y observaciones de comportamiento. Resultados:
Se obtuvo que la temperatura corporal está relacionada con la
temperatura del sustrato y esto no depende de las variaciones de
temperatura ambiental, ni del comportamiento o uso de sustrato. Conclusión: De
acuerdo con los hallazgos, se propone que las variaciones de la
temperatura corporal de esta rana son circunstanciales y no hay
comportamientos de termorregulación.
Palabras clave: Estación Biológica Maritza, Microhábitat, Rana de hojarasca, Termorregulación.
Amphibians are ectothermic
animals which depend on environmental temperature to develop its
physiological functions and behavioral activities (Köhler et al.
2011). The body temperature of these organisms is closely related with
environmental temperature; nevertheless, some species have a complex
thermoregulation behavior (Rowley and Alford 2009). Thermoregulation in
amphibians is based on direct exposure to sunlight and absorption of
solar radiation (heliothermia) (Brattstrom 1979). The thermoregulation
behavior in amphibians determines, most of the times, the use of
microhabitats (tigmothermia) and the activity patterns of the species
(Brattstrom 1979, Navas 1996, Navas et al. 2013).
In tropical amphibians
the body temperature is influenced by natural history and the ecology
of the species (Navas et al. 2013). Besides, it has been registered
that, in some cases, body temperature is closely related to substrate
temperature, in spite of elevation differences, biome and species
habits (Navas 1996, Navas et al. 2013). This relationship responds to
thermoregulation behavior to face environmental conditions. In this
paper, we classify the temperatures relation in: a) obeys to
thermoregulation actions and b) circumstantial relation. Response
“a” can be seen in stenothermal frogs exposed to wide
ranges of environmental temperature or in eurythermal frogs when its
activities are determined by body temperature (Navas 1996). On the
contrary, response “b” is shown when frogs are exposed to
less variable environmental conditions.
The knowledge about
thermic ecology is not existent or scarce for many species of
amphibians. This animals are especially sensitive to long-term global
climate change because warming temperatures and altered hydrologic
cycles are expected to increase thermal stress, affect disease
susceptibility, desiccate breeding habitats, reduce availability of
critical microhabitats, and alter foraging behavior and efficiency
(Ryan et al. 2014). Therefore it is important to describe the
mechanisms and patterns that regulate their body temperature, and if
these involve thermoregulation behavior or are circumstantial. The aim
of this paper is to describe the body temperature variation in
Stejneger’s Robber Frog Craugastor stejnegerianus during its
nocturnal activity in the dry tropical forest of Costa Rica.
The Stejneger’s Robber Frog C. stejnegerianus (Figure 1)
can be found in humid lowlands and premontane slopes on the Pacific
versant of western Panama and Costa Rica (Solís et al. 2008).
This is a diurnal leaf litter species found in humid lowland and dry
forest, and may be present in different vegetation cover types such as
secondary forest, plantations and pastureland. It is an important
predator in the leaf litter environment and plays a crucial role in
nutrient cycling, energy flow, and carbon storage of forest ecosystems
(Ryan et al. 2015). This species breeds by direct development
(Solís et al. 2008).
Study area. The
Maritza Biological Station (10°57’N, 085°29’W; 570
masl) is located in the Pacific slope of the Orosí Volcano, in
Guanacaste National Park, Costa Rica (Figure 2).
The mean annual precipitation is 3000 mm, and the temperature varies
among 19-28 °C (ACG 2013). The station is composed by tropical dry
forest in transition with rainforest. The study area corresponds to a
site in early regeneration or secondary forest
085°29’33.4’’W; 583 masl).
The thermal ecology of 7
individuals of C. stejnegerianus was studied between the 23 and 24 of
July 2013. Even when this species is considered diurnal, it was found
completely active at night (Figure 1A). The
effort of nocturnal monitoring was 13.4 h. The individuals were
monitored in an area of 36 m2. Every 20 minutes several variables were
recorded for each individual: 1) substrate used, 2) behavior, 3) body
temperature, 4) microhabitat temperature, and 5) environmental
The microhabitats were
categorized as: leaf litter (individuals found in the leaf litter or in
the ground), leaf (individuals located on leaf or stem of standing
plants). The behavior was classified as “jump”,
“call” and “perching” for non-active
The body temperature was
registered telemetrically with an infra-red thermometer of 0.1°C
precision, located on the back of the frog at a minimum distance of 15
cm, which allowed a temperature lecture of 2 cm of diameter (Figure 1B).
The same equipment was used to measure the substrate temperature, taken
from the place where the frog was found. The environmental temperature
was obtained with a thermohigrometer of 0.1°C precision, placed 0.5
m above the ground.
Because the data
obtained in this study does not meet the assumptions for statistical
tests, data were analyzed descriptively. Environmental, substrate, and
body temperature were plotted to see if these were related. In
addition, box-and-whisker plots were used for comparison samples
between substrate and activity; herein notches were drawn in order to
regard differences among data (Chambers et al. 1983). The
box-and-whisker plots construction requires a sample of at least 5 by
comparison (Krzywinski and Altman 2014). This is adequate for the
sample size in the present study. The graphics were developed in R
language with ggplot2 package (Wickham 2009)
A total of 37 records of body
temperature of C. stejnegerianus was obtained. The mean body
temperature of the frogs was 21.4±0.66°C (mean±SD,
range: 20.1-22.7°C), the mean microhabitat temperature was
21.58±0.67°C (20-22°C) and the mean environmental
temperature was 22.32±0.57°C (21.2-23.4°C). The body
temperature does not appear to be related to environmental temperature
oscillations (Figure 3A), but it is related to microhabitat temperature (Figure 3B).
It appears that the body
temperature of frogs located in leaves is higher and less variable
compared to the frogs found on leaf litter (Figure 4A).
Compared with the activity of the frogs it is observed that the body
temperature is lower in those frogs in call activity, nevertheless the
temperature is more variable during this activity according to data
dispersion (Figure 4B). However, according
to the overlap of notches in the box-and-whisker plots, there is not
difference among body temperature neither by substrate nor by activity.
Range in body temperature, though closely related to substrate
temperature (Figure 3A, B), does not depend on substrate use or activity (Figure 4A, B).
Body temperature variation of
C. stejnegerianus coincides with the estimated for anurans of tropical
dry forest at moderate elevations (700-900 masl) in Colombia (Navas et
al. 2013). Moreover, its high relationship with substrate temperature
agrees with those found for other species of the family Craugastoridae
with terrestrial and nocturnal habits (Navas et al. 2013). Taking this
into account, thermal ecology of C. stejnegerianus seems usual and
obeys to the general pattern presented by other tropical anurans of
similar habits.
It has been reported
that amphibians do not present thermoregulation, therefore, its body
temperature is influenced mainly by the environmental temperature
(Rowley and Alford 2009). Nevertheless, this study shows that body
temperature was not related to environmental temperature overall, and
the species did not have evident thermoregulation behavior (Brattstrom
1979, Navas 1996, Navas et al. 2013). The results point out that the
body temperature of C. stejnegerianus is related circumstantially to
the substrate temperature, regardless of the environmental temperature.
The authors thank Rocio
Seisdedos, Joel Sáenz and two anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments and inputs for improvement of the manuscript.
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