Evaluation of total extracts as repellent for the control of Tribolium castaneum Herbst, 1979 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
Bioactivity, Grain protectants, Mosquito arthropods.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the repellent activity of six total extracts derived from plants of the departmento de Chocó. The repellent activity of the total extracts was tested against adult insects of Tribolium castaneum Herbst, 1979, pests of stored grains. Methodology: During in vivo tests, the repellent activity was measured using the area preference technique by quantifying the obtained percentage of repellency at different exposure concentrations. The results were analyzed by paired t-test to determine signi cant differences (p<0.05). Moreover, the comparison between the repellency percentages (RP) the different extracts was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) by means of Dunn’s post test to assess comparisons with the positive control. Results: The evaluated extracts showed a proportional increase of its repellent activity to the concentration increase showing an independent effect. As a result, the more effective extracts were the derived from Ocimum campechianum variedad blanca, Piper divaricatum and Palicuria guianensis with repellency percentages of 92%, 75% and 74% respectively. Conclusions: These results presents suggest a potential use of the six plants extract tested to control T. castaneum from which, O. campechianum var white extract is the most recommended as it showed high repellent activity. Additionally, this study constitu- tes a big contribution to bio-prospecting of Chocó Flora and to the sustainable development of the region.
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