The effect of cutting height on the resprouting capacity, growth and survival in Smallanthus pyramidalis (Triana) H. Rob
Colonizing species, Disturbance, Ecological restoration, High-Andean ecosystem, SuccessionAbstract
Objetive: Analize the resprouting capacity, growth and survival after an event of removal of aerial biomass in Smallanthus pyramidalis (Triana) H. Rob., colonizing specie, potential for use in ecological restoration and silvopastoral systems of the Colombian Andes. Methods: Individuals were randomly selected in a plot of 120 m2 and two treatments were carried out (T1 and T2) with 20 replications each. In T1 the stem was cut at 50 cm from the soil and in T2 at 100 cm from the soil, and we evaluated the length of shoots, diameter and height of the stem after cutting, number of leaves, leaf area, proportion of predated leaves and percentage of survival, to compare the response of these variables against the removal of aerial biomassat different cutting heights. Results: It was observed that after one year, the sprouts reached more than 100 cm in length, foliar area of 350 cm2 and survival of individuals by treatment greater than 75%. The height of the cut is not related to the length reached by the sprouts or with the growth in diameter of thestems (p>0.005) which may imply a compromise (trade-off) with the growth of the plant, but if it is relatedto the foliar area and the number of leaves produced.
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