Functional responses of bats associated to tropical dry-forest in Córdoba (Colombia): management implications in extensive livestock systems
Biological collections, Conventional system, Ecological group, Functional traits, Response traits, Silvopastoral systemAbstract
Introduction: In the Colombian Caribbean, the expansion of conventional management systems (CS) of extensive livestock has lead a massive loss of tropical dry forest (Td-F). Despite silvopastoral systems (SPS) have been implemented in this region, there are few studies evaluating the incidence of this type of management on bats. Objective: Analyze the variation of functional traits of bat ecological groups betweenfragments of Td-F immersed in CS and SPS belonging to five localities of Córdoba department (Colom- bia). Methodology: Using bat specimens from biological collections, ecological groups were identifiedbased on life history traits, and then each group were compared using morphometric traits related to size(forearm length) and flight (length of digit three and five) between fragments of Td-F immersed in CS andSPS. Results: Six ecological groups were identified. The traits related to size and flight were significantly higher in SPS for two ecological groups (p<0,05). The matrix in the SPS provides habitat for bats, which may offer better conditions for the morphometric development of some key species in the pollination andseed dispersal processes. Conclusion: Although the functional responses of bats were idiosyncratic,silvopastoral management seems to be more sustainable for these mammals. It is important to take into account the type of management of productive systems that improve biodiversity, because they dominate in the matrix of the landscapes, so they are determinant for the maintenance of the species in habitat transformation contexts.
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