Resilience in extreme situations in a group of victims of the Colombian armed conflict


  • Danilson Mena, CO



Confrontation, Overcoming, Resistance, Violence.


Objective: To understand the experiences of resilience, which take place in the daily life of a group of victims of the armed Colombian con ict, orientated to the search of re signi cance of dramatic realities of pain, their confrontation and strength to get ahead. Methodology: To review of the relevant research background and experience of resilience processes in victims of armed con ict, with a qualitative approach from the phenomenological-hermeneutic method, which allows to demonstrate the overcoming situation limits, the most similar thing to how the actors experience and live through it. Results: The resilience is one of the best strategies used by many victims in front of the situation limits that they are subjected by the loss of a loved being or their own a ectations. In spite of this experience has no clarity in its de nition, it is a daily experience in parents, children and relatives that due to the impotence of not being able to favor their dear wounded and murdered beings, they had to confront their pain and getting ahead in the middle of the di culties with spiritual, psychosocial and social cohesion helps. Conclusions: In order that there are resiliencia in the middle of situations limits, it becomes commanding from the cognitive psychology, to discover what de nitively a ects the human beings is not what happens to them, but rather the attitude taken in front of the facts; for that reason, is from an individual position that can assume the happened, confront it and with entirety to overcome the adversity and to work out victorious. 


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How to Cite

Mena, D. (2017). Resilience in extreme situations in a group of victims of the Colombian armed conflict. JOURNAL BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 34(1), 51–58.

