Habitat use, density and diet of Phyllobates aurotaenia (Anura: Dendrobatidae) in tropical rainforest areas in the department of Chocó, Colombia


  • Mauricio Mina-Agudelo, CO Grupo de Investigación en Herpetología, Programa de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Exactas, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó “Diego Luis Córdoba”, Quibdó, Colombia
  • Lucellis María Rivas-Albornoz, CO Grupo de Investigación en Herpetología, Programa de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Exactas, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó “Diego Luis Córdoba”, Quibdó, Colombia
  • Jhon Tailor Rengifo Mosquera, CO Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó




Conservation, Items, Population, Relative importance, Substrate


Introduction: A study was conducted to analyze the natural history of Phyllobates aurotaenia.
Objective: to recognize aspects such as habitat use, density and diet, in tropical rain forest areas in the department of Chocó.
Materials and methods: The method of survey by visual encounters (SVE), making transepts for the search of indi-viduals in the different microhabitats. Results: The population of P. aurotaenia studied was based on 20 individuals,where the substrates were evaluated, with leaf litter substrate being the best represented (80%), showing significant statistical differences (χ2=3.6667 gl; 3 p=0.05) for the use of habitat; the population density was 1.7 ind/m2 in all the study areas. Regarding diet, a total of 137 dams were recorded, divided into one Phylum, two classes and six orders, with the orders Hymenoptera (105) and Coleoptera (24) being the best represented.
Conclusions: Anthropic actions are one of the main causes that affect this species.


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Author Biography

Jhon Tailor Rengifo Mosquera, CO, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó

Las zonas objeto de estudio, se localizan en las llanuras aluviales y colinas bajas del valle del Río Atrato, en municipios aledaños a los alrededores de Quibdó, capital del departamento del Chocó, donde se concentra la mayor pluviosidad del andén del Pacífico y donde las formaciones selváticas, se encuentran entre las más ricas del mundo Cuatrecasas (1958); Forero & Gentry (1989). Los puntos de muestreos están incluidos en las coordenadas geográficas 5º 00'- 6º 45' N y 77º 15'-76º 30' W. La temperatura está dividida en dos tipos temperatura, megatermal bajo (23.5 a 25.7° C) y temperatura megatermal alta (25.7 a 27.9° C), con promedio anual de 23.5° C  Poveda et al. (2004).


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How to Cite

Mina-Agudelo, M., Rivas-Albornoz, L. M., & Mosquera, J. T. R. (2019). Habitat use, density and diet of Phyllobates aurotaenia (Anura: Dendrobatidae) in tropical rainforest areas in the department of Chocó, Colombia. JOURNAL BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 34(2), 102–108. https://doi.org/10.18636/riutch.v34i2.792

