Structural and functional characterization of the home-made gardens in the region of Urabá chocoano


  • Ditter Horacio Mosquera-Andrade, CO Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Darío Antonio Murillo-Barahona, CO Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó



Characterization, Home garden, Region, Structural


bjective: To structurally and functionally characterize the mixed home-made vegetable gardens in the municipality of Unguía, Chocó, Colombia.
Materials and methods: 11 semi-structured interviews were applied to the owners of the home gardens in the muni- cipality of Unguía, which included topics on the productive and biophysical aspects (labor, handling, cultural practices, productivity, areas). Through this one, there was obtained the information about the functionality of the species. Forthe compilation of the structural information, the forest species and farmer. The species were qualified about their ecological habit; the biophysical and socioeconomic importance was determined by a species importance coefficient. Results: It was determined that the average are of the home-made gardens is 0.52 ha. There was identified a whole of 64 species distributed in 38 botanical families. Out of the species found in the studied home-made gardens: 15 (20%) present arboreal habitat; 15 (20%) shrubby habitat species and 34 (60%) herbaceous habitat species. It was also determined that 26 (33.3%) species have medicinal use 44 (56.4%) species are used for nutritive purposes and, only 8 (10.3%) species have uses different from the aforementioned ones. According to the coefficient of importance of thebotanical species (CIE), Tabebuia rosea is the most important species for the farmers.


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How to Cite

Mosquera-Andrade, D. H., & Murillo-Barahona, D. A. (2015). Structural and functional characterization of the home-made gardens in the region of Urabá chocoano. JOURNAL BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 34(2), 87–95.

