Business intelligence solution to support the process of quality accreditation and decision taking at the Chocó Technological University, Quibdó, Colombia


  • Idhanes Mena Benitez, CO Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Diana Patricia Rico Largo Diana Patricia Rico Largo, CO Universidad Santiago de Cali
  • Deiner Mena Waldo, CO Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó



Analysis of data, Data warehouse, OnLine transaction processing


Objective: To develop a Business Intelligence solution to support the quality accreditation process of the Technological University of Chocó. Materials and methods: Ralph Kimball’s Business Intelligence methodology is used, which allows the development of solutions in scenarios with low computational resources. Results: An inventory of 209 requirements was obtained that the Colombian universities need for quality accreditation processes and later implemented through a Business Intelligence Solution in Microsoft Visual 2015. Conclusions: The decision- taking and quality accreditation processes of the Chocó University and another Colombian universities can be substantially improved through the imple- mentation of Business Intelligence solutions, which group and analyze in a single site all academic and administrative information and from their different Information Systems.


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How to Cite

Mena Benitez, I., Patricia Rico Largo, D. P. R. L. D., & Mena Waldo, D. (2016). Business intelligence solution to support the process of quality accreditation and decision taking at the Chocó Technological University, Quibdó, Colombia. JOURNAL BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 35(1), 59–74.

