First record of Dendropsophus columbianus (Boettger, 1892) (Anura: Hylidae) for the department Choco, Colombia


  • Jonard David Echavarría Rentería, CO Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó ¨Diego Luís Córdoba¨, Corporación autónoma Regional para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Chocó (CODECHOCO)



Agricultural pressure, Endemic, Monophilia, Paddock, Pond


Objective: Document the rst record of the well Dendropsophus columbianus frog in low montane rain forest (bp-MB), in the department of Chocó, Colombia. Materials and Methods: During a rapid assessment of the anuran community in the municipality of Carmen de Atrato (5°53’42.2’’N, 76°08’38.9’’W, 1763 msnm), through the method of searching for visual encounters (VES, for its acronym in English), a specimen of D. Columbianus, was detected in an area with strong agricultural and livestock pressure. Results: A female of D. columbianus was observed on a patch of vegetation surrounding an abandoned pond. The indivi- dual was collected, determined and deposited in the Scienti c Collection of Zoological Reference of Chocó-Herpetology. Conclusion: This record becomes the rst for the department of Chocó. 


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How to Cite

Echavarría Rentería, J. D. (2017). First record of Dendropsophus columbianus (Boettger, 1892) (Anura: Hylidae) for the department Choco, Colombia. JOURNAL BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 34(1), 47–50.

