Species and varieties of the gender Ocimum collected in urban areas of the municipality of Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia
Morphological characterization, Ocimum, Species, VarietiesAbstract
Objective: Determine by means of a morphological, characterization the varieties of the genus Ocimum of the family Lamiaceae, which grow in the municipality of Quibdó, Choco. Materials and methods: Morphological descriptions of the reproductive and vegetative organs were carried out, basedon field observations in urban and rural areas, 26 specimens were collected which were previously dried and labeled. Following the classical method in this type of work, we proceeded to the study of samples, review and identification of plant material, for each of them, in addition to the scientific name, vulgar and author, bibliographic references wereprovided that allowed a better description; the data referring to the samples studied, the previous appointments for the area and some observations. Results: The species identified correspond to Ocimum campechianum Mill, O. americanum L, O. basilicum L, O. tenui-florum L, O. minimum L, O. gratissimum L. It was also possible to identify two varieties of Ocimum campechianum L.,five of O. americanum L, two of O. basilicum L, two of O. minimum, one of O. tenuiflorum L and one of O. gratissimum.Product of the characterization, a practical key is presented for the identification of the species of the genus Ocimumdescribed here. Conclusions: Of the taxa studied 13 are cited for the first time for the municipality of Quibdó; this mate- rial is deposited in the Herbarium COL of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá and the Herbarium CHOCÓof the Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó; material of great importance in the academic and scientific contribution.
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