Structure and function of homegardens of the afro-communities settled in the Atrato river watershed, Chocó, Colombia
Home garden, Species importance coefficient, Atrato River, Chocó.Abstract
In order to characterize the structural and functional home gardens of Atrato river watershed, Chocó, Colombia, were evaluated during 2009 and 2010 twenty-four home gardens in the communities of La Vuelta, Boraudó, Dona Josefa, Quibdó, Medio Atrato and Rio Sucio spread across the three sectors Atrato river watershed. Were analyzed the vegetation growth habit, was applied species importance coefficient (CIE) of the home garden, using as endpoints the level of utilization of the species, biophysical importance (relative frequency) and commercial demand. We used rapid rural appraisal techniques to gather information on the uses of home garden species. 74 species were found distributed in 67 genera and 49 botanical families, organized into three stratas: tree, shrub, herbaceous. In the arboretum strata, Bactris gasipaes, Inga edulis, and Bixa Orellana had higher CIE, in the shrub strata, the most representative species were Alibertia patinoi (Cuatrec.) Delprete & CH Perss, Musa spp, and Citrus lemon, and in the herbaceous strata, Ocimum sp, Eringyum foetidum, Saccharum officinarum, had higher CIE. The local importance of these species is justified by the use in food, traditional medicine, among other uses of socioeconomic and cultural importance of communities.
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