First report of Hemitrichia calyculata (Speg.) M.L. Farr 1974 (Trichiida, Trichiidae) for Deparment of Santander, Colombia
Expansion of distribution, Hemitrichia calyculata, Myxomycetes, TrichialesAbstract
Objective: To confirm the presence of Hemitrichia calyculata for the Department of Santander, Colombia. Methodology: The new record is based on the observation of sporangia collected through an opportunistic sampling protocol in a very humid subtropical forest with high anthropic impact. Results: A new record of the species is presented for the township of Olival, Municipality of Suaita, Santander. The presence of H. calyculata in the eastern slope of the Andes, constitutes a significant addition in the geographical distribution of the species in Colombia, given that it had only been recorded in 7 departments and since last century no new reports are known in other areas of the country. Conclusion: Our macro and microscopic analysis of sporangia allowed us to confirm the presence of H. calyculata while providing ecological information and notes on its taxonomy.
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