Notes on seven species of cloud forest palms (Arecaceae) present in the northeast side of the serranía de Perijá, Zulia State, Venezuela
Arecaceae, serranía de Perijá, Venezuela.Abstract
We present observations on seven palm species (family Arecaceae) from cloud forest, present in the northeastern slope of serranía de Perijá, Zulia state, Venezuela. The described taxa belong to the gene- ra Chamaedorea Willd., Geonoma Willd., Hyospathe Mart., Prestoea Hook. f. and Wettinia Poepp. ex Endl., among them the species Chamaedorea linearis and Geonoma undata are novelties for Zulia state and their populations might be in serious threat. Comments are provided on habitat, distribution, threats to these populations and their possible conservation status.
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