Nocturnal activity and use of vertical space in some frugivorous bats species (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Venezuela
Assembly, Frugivorous, Sierra de Aroa, Trophic guild, Yurubí National ParkAbstract
Neotropical bats re ect a nocturnal-twilight activity rhythm, passing daytime hours in their roosts that provide them protection and favorable microclimatic conditions. Objective: We document the nocturnal and spatial activity of some species of frugivorous bats from Yurubí National Park, Venezuela. Methodology: The eld work was carried out during six months (February-June, and August), 2015. We used 10 mist nets, placed between understory (0-5 meters high) and canopy (10-20 meters high). Each individual was taxonomically identi ed and a series of data related to time and catch stratum were recorded. Results: We captured 370 individuals, belonging to 22 species and ve subfamilies. The activity for most abundant species was divided into two patterns (bimodal and unimodal). Species Artibeus planirostris, Platyrrhinus umbratus, and Sturnira adrianae, exhibited the bimodal pattern, with a maximum activity in the rst two species for the rst block of hours (18:00-20:59), and the fourth (03:00-05:59). In S. adrianae, the activity was concentrated for the second (21:00-23:59), and the last block (03:00-05:59). In contrast, individuals of Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata, Carollia brevicauda, and Vampyressa thyone, showed the unimodal pattern, with a maximum activity in the second block (21:00-23:59) and for V. thyone in the third (00:00-02:59). Conclusion: The seven species of bats studied performed a uctuating temporal activity throughout the night, concentrating the maximum activity for some hours and varying between species. As for the spatial activity, although there were no statistically signi cant di erences, apparently the species with greater corporal masses (A. lituratus, A. planirostris, and P. umbratus), showed a certain tendency to use the upper stratum of the forest to undoubtedly develop their vital activities, mainly the search and acquisition of food.
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