Current records and historical analysis to the presence of Ognorhynchus icterotis in the Quindío department


  • Sebastián Montilla, CO Universidad de los Andes
  • Juan Sebastián Avellaneda Mazzo, CO Universidad del Quindío
  • Sebastián Guererro-Peláez, CO Universidad del Quindío



Extinct, Pijao, Population, Resident, Yellow-eared Parrot


Introduction: The Yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) is a near endemic bird species of Colombia generally associated with palms of the genus Ceroxylon, which it uses as food and nesting site. This species in Colombia is located under the category “Endangered (EN)” and it was considered extinct for the Quindío Department due to the absence of records since the first half of the twentieth century. Objective: In this contribution, we provide new in situ records of O. icterotis in the Quindío and carry out a historical analysis of its presence in the department. Methodology: The new records were given from free searches during field trips to the upper Lejos river basin between 2016 and 2019 and the historical analysis through search of records in scientific articles, biodiversity databases and museums. Results: During seven field trips to the upper Lejos river basin, up to 30 individuals of O. icterotis were recorded flying over or perched on wax palms (Ceroxylon quindiuense), and feeding on fruits of Eugenia dittocrepis. Historically, in the department of Quindío there are records of specimens of O. icterotis in the American Museum of Natural History collected at the beginning of the 20th century and visual records between 2013 and 2016 indatabases such as eBirds and GBIF. Conclusions: Based on our records, we establish that O. icterotis is a resident species in Quindío and the importance of adding to the upper reaches of the Lejos river within the conservation strategies of the species is stressed.


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Author Biographies

Sebastián Montilla, CO, Universidad de los Andes


Juan Sebastián Avellaneda Mazzo, CO, Universidad del Quindío


Sebastián Guererro-Peláez, CO, Universidad del Quindío



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How to Cite

Montilla, S., Avellaneda Mazzo, J. S., & Guererro-Peláez, S. (2019). Current records and historical analysis to the presence of Ognorhynchus icterotis in the Quindío department. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 8(4), 274–280.

