First geographical record of Tapirus pinchaque (Roulin, 1829) (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) in the western Andes of Ecuador




Cajas Plateau, Camera trapping, Conservation, Mountain tapir, Records, Terrestrial mammals, Western Andes


We present the record of seven mountain tapir individuals registered with trap-cameras. This is the result of a monitoring program of terrestrial mammals in the mountain forests of Cajas National Park, particularly from western Andes slope. The animals were photographed at two different locations and apparently, theycorrespond to an isolated population of this species. The impact generated by loss and fragmentation of habitat is the major threat to this population found in the western slope of Cajas Plateau.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Sánchez Karste, EC, ETAPA EP - Programa de Biodiversidad - Parque Nacional Cajas

Biólogo de la Universidad del Azuay, 2006.

Máster en Biodiversidad en Áreas Tropicales y su Conservación, Universidad Menéndez - Pelayo, 2010

Analista Técnico del Programa de Biodiversidad, Parque Nacional Cajas, ETAPA EP

Docente de la Escuela de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad de Cuenca

Calos Javier Fernández de Córdova Torres, EC, Museo de Zoología (MZUA) de la Universidad del Azuay

Biólogo de la Universidad del Azuay

Investigador Asociado al Museo de Zoología (MZUA) de la Universidad del Azuay

Consultor Técnico e Investigador en Mastozoología Tropical


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How to Cite

Sánchez Karste, F. J., & Fernández de Córdova Torres, C. J. (2019). First geographical record of Tapirus pinchaque (Roulin, 1829) (Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) in the western Andes of Ecuador. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 8(4), 281–284.

