Evaluating the effect of the postconflict on the transformation of forest of the Colombian Guayana, changes in Chiropteran diversity, at the Serranía de La Lindosa, Guaviare, Colombia





Acclimatization, Leaf area, Hardening, Somaclone, Somatic embryogenesis, Vitroplants


The department of Guaviare, immersed in the Colombian Guyana is identified as an area of high biodi-versity, but paradoxically constitutes one of the less explored areas in the country; this area has been recently designated as a focus of reestablishment of human population within the Colombian posconflict scenario. This situation is thought to unchain a massive human migration, with associated negative effects on pristine environments. Up to date, there are no studies that allow us to evaluate the effect of human settlements on the biodiversity of the region. Objective: To identify the most sensitive elements of biodi-versity to land-use change. Materials and methods: We implemented a PCA, build upon diversity indexvalues to comparatively analyzed the composition and structure of the bat community (as bioindicators) of three zones with different transformation processes: Panuré (urban zone); Agua Bonita (semi-urban zone);and Serranía de La Lindosa (conserved zone). Results: We report 572 captures, corresponding to 50species distributed in 35 genera and 5 families, with 40 new records for the department. Our study verifies the negative effect of antropogenic transformations (human settlement) on the natural environments of the region, represented by a documented differential accumulation of diversity and by changes in bat abundance, herein interpreted as early warnings. Due to the herein reported high diversity as well as its strategic biogeographic and political location, we propose the area of Serranía deLa Lindosa, as an area of importance for bat conservation(AICOM, acronym in Spanish), and discuss on the impor-tance of biodiversity assessments in the context of the Colombian post conflict.


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How to Cite

Mantilla-Meluk, H. (2018). Evaluating the effect of the postconflict on the transformation of forest of the Colombian Guayana, changes in Chiropteran diversity, at the Serranía de La Lindosa, Guaviare, Colombia. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 8(3), 179–196. https://doi.org/10.18636/bioneotropical.v8i3.784




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