Population density and spatial distribution of Cyathea sm. (Cyatheaceae) in a tropical rainforest, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia


  • Jhon Freddys Pérez Mosquera Grupo de investigación de Biosistemática, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó “Diego Luis Córdoba”, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia.
  • Absaleidy Mosquera-Rivas Grupo de investigación de Biosistemática, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó “Diego Luis Córdoba”, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia.




Aggregate distribution, Cyathea, Development status, Morisita


Objectives: (1) to generate basic information about the population density of the species of the genus Cyathea, and (2) to describe the spatial distribution patterns of the species of the genus Cyathea. Methods: The field work was carried out within the 1ha Permanent Biodiversity Research Plot, within which all individuals of the species of the genus were censused. The determination of the plant material was carried out by comparing the collections deposited in the Chocó Herbarium, data bases and the collaboration of specialists. Population density was calculated based on the number of individuals per area. The standardized Morisita index was used for the spatial distribution analysis. Results: A total of 1702 individualswere recorded, C. brunnescens recorded the highest population density with 0.13 ind/ha, followed by the morphospecies C. spp with 0.027 ind/ha, and finally C. decorata with 0.0093 ind/ha. On the other hand, all species recorded an aggregate distribution pattern, C. brunnescens 5.5 aggregate, C. spp 7 aggregate and C. decorata 16 aggregate, however, one of the developmental stages showed a random distribution pattern within subplot B. Conclusion: The aggregate distribution pattern shown by each of the species recorded is a normal pattern for this group, since due to their biology and ecology they tend to be grouped together.


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How to Cite

Pérez Mosquera, J. F. ., & Mosquera-Rivas, A. . (2019). Population density and spatial distribution of Cyathea sm. (Cyatheaceae) in a tropical rainforest, Quibdó, Chocó, Colombia. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 9(4), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.18636/bioneotropical.v9i4.836