Common birds of Jambelí Island (Ecuador)
DOI: clave:
Gulf of Guayaquil, Mangrove, Neotropic, Species inventoryResumen
Ecuador is one of the megadiverse countries and one with the highest species density worldwide, with a total of 1619 species of birds, representing 16% of the birds known in the world. Objective: We conducted a study of the common birds in the Jambelí Island (Ecuador), because it is part of an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) that has been scarcely studied. Methodology: Census itineraries were carriedout both on foot and by boat, and land uses were defined with GIS. Results: A total of 45 species were recorded highlighting the presence of a large population of Peruvian boobies and blue-footed boobies with more than 200 specimens of each species. Conclusions: We inventoried the species richness of an area considered important for the conservation of birds that has serious conservation problems, mainly the des- truction of most of the mangrove forests for the construction of shrimp pools and pollution by plastic debris.
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