First specimen of the Mammal Collection of The Universidad del Quindío (CMUQ): record of Eptesicus chiriquinus (Chiroptera: Vespertillionidae) hit by a car at the Autopista del Café, Quindío, Colombia


  • Diego Fernando Gutiérrez-Cifuentes, CO Programa de Biología, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia, Colombia
  • Anderson Brand-Alape, CO Programa de Biología, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia, Colombia
  • Hugo Mantilla-Meluk, CO Programa de Biología, Universidad del Quindío, Armenia



Eptesicus chiriquinus, Mammals Quindío, Scientific collection, Vespertillionidae.


We document a male juvenile specimen of the vespertillionid bat Eptesicus chiriquinus, recovered on August 15, 2013 at the Autopista del Café, El Roble, Quindío, apparently hit by a car. The specimen corresponds to the first record of the Colección Mastozoológica de la Universidad del Quindío (CMUQ), identified with catalogue number CMUQ-001. Despite the species has been already reported for the department, the herein documented specimen constitutes the first verified record through a scientific procedure in a peer-reviewed publication. Finally, we discus on the importance of the beginning of an official collection of mammals at the Universidad del Quindío.



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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Cifuentes, D. F., Brand-Alape, A., & Mantilla-Meluk, H. (2013). First specimen of the Mammal Collection of The Universidad del Quindío (CMUQ): record of Eptesicus chiriquinus (Chiroptera: Vespertillionidae) hit by a car at the Autopista del Café, Quindío, Colombia. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 3(2 Jul-Dic), 131–136.




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