The journal Biodiversidad Neotropical celebrates its third year of publication and academic advance and growing. Besides being part of the Colciencias index, the journal also was included in Latindex, which constitutes the Regional System of On line Information for Scientific Journals in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and the Caribbean. We hope we can inform to our audience about other international processes of indexation and in that way to keep positioning our journal as an important scientific mean of dissemination of knowledge on the biodiversity of this portion of the planet.
One of our tasks as a scientific journal is to promote the distribution of information on biodiversity inventories in the region. In this number 46 lichens species are reported for the first time for the flora of Venezuela; as well as two species of Myxomycet fungi, Cribraria aurantiaca and Perichaena chrysosperma new to northeastern Argentina, and two hylid frogs Agalychnis psilopygion and Dendropsophus bogerti, new to the northern portion of the Biogeographic Chocó. It is also a great pleasure for us to inform to our audience about the beginning of the Colección de Mamíferos, Universidad del Quindío (CMUQ), which has a goal to document the mammalian biodiversity of the Central Andes of Colombia, one of the most interesting and biodiverse regions in the country. Scientist of the CMUQ document the first specimen of the collection corresponding to a vespertillionid bat Eptesicus chiriquinus. In the same way, we include the first Colombian publication on echolocation of a phyllostomid species, and a report of events of wild life accidents associated with energy lines in Colombia, contributing to the development of conservation strategies for the neotropical fauna.
Alex Mauricio Jiménez-Ortega