Birds of Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, departamento San Pedro, Paraguay and the imminent threats to their conservation


  • Paul Smith, PY 1 Fauna Paraguay, Encarnación, Paraguay. 2 Para La Tierra, Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Santa Rosa del Aguaray, San Pedro, Paraguay.
  • Hugo del Castillo 1 Fauna Paraguay, Encarnación, Paraguay. 3 Guyra Paraguay, Gaetano Martino Nro. 215 esq. Tte. Ross., Asunción, Paraguay.
  • Kevin Guest Para La Tierra, Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Santa Rosa del Aguaray, San Pedro, Paraguay.



Cerrado, Eleothreptus candicans, IBA, Inventory, Grasslands


Objective: The results of several years of inventory work at Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, departamento San Pedro, Paraguay are presented. Results: A total of 301 species are recorded from the reserve, with an additional 18 species known to occur in the catchment area, already declared an Important Bird Area. Thirty four species are reported for the rst time in the reserve. Conclusions: The presence of breeding populations of a number of threatened Cerrado birds makes the long term conservation of this site a priority for conservation in Paraguay. However the protected status of the reserve of cially ended in January 2015 and the imminent threats that this vitally important bird area faces are detailed.


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Author Biography

Paul Smith, PY, 1 Fauna Paraguay, Encarnación, Paraguay. 2 Para La Tierra, Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Santa Rosa del Aguaray, San Pedro, Paraguay.

Publications aqui


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How to Cite

Smith, P., del Castillo, H., & Guest, K. (2016). Birds of Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, departamento San Pedro, Paraguay and the imminent threats to their conservation. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 6(1 Ene-Jun), 55–67.

