Density and structure of the pimpano’s turtle populations (Chelydra acutirostris Peters 1862) (Chelydridae) in the Cajones streams and The Coclí, department of Quindío, Colombia


  • Katherine Young-Valencia, CO Programa de Biología, Universidad del Quindío, Colombia
  • Andrés Fernando Ortega, CO Fundación ARCHELON, Cali, Colombia.
  • Álvaro Botero-Botero, CO Grupo de investigación Biodiversidad y Educación Ambiental (BIOEDUQ), Universidad del Quindío; Fundación Neotrópica, La Tebaida, Colombia.



Chelydra acutirostris, Turtle’s density, Turtle’s structure, Streams.


Objective: The habitat, popultion density, and structure of the Pimpano’s turtle where studied at the Cajones (in Montenegro) and Los Coclí (in Quimbaya) streams in the department of Quindío. Methodology: Field work was conducted from April to September of 2012 for a total of 36 field trips, lasting one hour each 400 square meters per transect sampled. A total of six sampling transects of 400 m were established along the course of the streams, two transects along the 2000 m of Los Coclí stream, and four transects in the stream the Cajones with an approximate length of 3000 m. The transects were separated 200 m. All turtles were caught manually. Each turtle was measured and marked with a rectangular cut in the shell. Density was estimated by the relation between the number of turtles caught and sighted in each transect. Results: The density for the Cajones stream was 423,77 individuals/km2, and for Los Coclí stream the density was 275,34 individuals/km2. At the Cajones stream, 15 adults and five juveniles were captured. We found a high relationship between carapace length and weight in smaller individuals. We also detected that female individuals had larger carapace length compared to males, but the length of the plastron and preanal length increases more rapidly in males. For the stream Los Coclí we only report the capture of three juvenile turtles.


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How to Cite

Young-Valencia, K., Ortega, A. F., & Botero-Botero, Álvaro. (2014). Density and structure of the pimpano’s turtle populations (Chelydra acutirostris Peters 1862) (Chelydridae) in the Cajones streams and The Coclí, department of Quindío, Colombia. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 4(2 Jul-Dic), 149–161.

