Mammals of the department of Choco, deposited at the three main collections of the United States
Databases, Mammals, Museological records, Scientific collections.Abstract
Objective: To complete the available information on biodiversity of the department of Choco. Methods: We analyzed museological records of Chocoan specimens deposited in the three main collections of the United States: American Museum of Natural History de Nueva York (AMNH, 39 spp/127 records); Field Museum of Natural History de Chicago (FMNH, 53 spp/374 records); y el United State National Museum of the Smithsonian Institution de Washington DC (USNM, 19 spp/65 records). To evaluate the importance of of the analyzed material we contrasted the recovered records with Chocoan records deposited at the collection of the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ICN, 52 spp/721 registros). Results: As product of our analyses we generated a database of 566 records representing a total of 82 Chocoan mammalian species deposited in scientific collections of the United States. The analyzed records require an urgent revision of their taxonomic status, in order to make them a useful source of information for local decision makers. We highlight the presence of the Colombian endemic primate Saguinus oedipus, for department of Choco, supported by material deposited at the AMNH. In the same manner we report the presence of the emballonurid bat Cormura brevirostris, and the slot Choloepus didactylus, that if taxonomically confirmed will represent significant distribution extensions and first confirmed records in collections of these taxa for the department. We also highlight the records of the nectarivorous bat Hylonycteris underwoodi and the coati Nasua narica candace, both species known from Central America and potentially present in the department. Finally, called our attention the presence of a mandible of the manatee (Trichechus manatus) from the municipio of Unguia deposited at the FMNH; this represents the only museum voucher material of the species from this portion of the Colombian territory.
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