Population dynamics of Ceroxylon quindiuense (H.Karst.) H.Wendl. (Arecaceae) from Leslie matrix as a conservation tool. Salento, Colombia


  • Juan Carlos Alvarez-Londoño, CO Escuela de Investigación en Biomatemática. Universidad del Quindío armenia, Colombia
  • Lina Marcela Ocampo, CO Escuela de Investigación en Biomatemática. Universidad del Quindío armenia, Colombia.
  • Janeth Molina, CO




Ceroxylon quindiuense, Conservation, Population dynamics, Simulations.


Ceroxylon is a endemic genus to the Andes mountains and one of the most important in this region, includes 11 species distributed from 800-3500 m above sea level and are often dominant canopy trees. For the evaluation of Ceroxylon quindiuense (H.Karst.) H.Wendl. population to the Hacienda La Palme- ra were drawn three transects each 150 meters, which were established in 16 point. All points were 10 m apart from each other. Were selected points corresponding to half odd points in each odd point was located nearest to the individual point distance and measured point to the plant. With the distribution of individuals by age was construct the model in time used Leslie matrix The simulated population was obtained by the mathematical software MATLAB version 6.1, use the actual survival rate for C. quindiuense modifying 15% above and 15% below, with this we determine that C. quindiuense is highly vulnerable because of its long life cycle, slow germination and slow growth. The increased mortality rate is observed in the change-young seedling stage to juvenile plant.



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How to Cite

Alvarez-Londoño, J. C., Ocampo, L. M., & Molina, J. (2013). Population dynamics of Ceroxylon quindiuense (H.Karst.) H.Wendl. (Arecaceae) from Leslie matrix as a conservation tool. Salento, Colombia. JOURNAL OF NEOTROPICAL BIODIVERSITY, 3(1 Ene-Jun), 42–52. https://doi.org/10.18636/bioneotropical.v3i1.69

