Ethnobotany characterization of non-timber forest products (NTFP) in the community of Doña Josefa, Chocó, Colombia
Use categories, NTFP, Atrato communities, Biodiversity, Tropical rainforest.Abstract
In this study we identified 221 plant species employed by the villagers from Doña Josefa community placed in Atrato town (Chocó, Colombia). We assessed nine categories of use: food, artisanal, medici- nal, ornamental, toxic, magical-religious, fuel, dye and production of latex or exudates. The information was compiled taking into account the traditional knowledge of the villagers. For this purpose, we conducted semi- structured surveys and field trips with villagers with a high degree of understanding on the issue. The botanical specimens were collected, taxonomically determined and deposited in the Herbarium [CHOCO]. The most representative categories in terms of number of species were medici- nal (50,6%), food (22,6%), fuel (13,1%) and artisanal use (10,4%), highlighting Malvaceae, Arecaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Rubiaceae, Fabaceae/Mimosoideae, Gesneriaceae, Sapotaceae, Moraceae and Piperaceae families. This evidences the importance of the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for the community of Doña Josefa, where they are mainly sources of food, medicines, handicrafts and other products with great potential for economic development, if managed sustainably.
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